About Lindsey Project
& Go Hunt Ohio
Welcome to Lindsey Project, in conjunction with Go Hunt Ohio. I’m here dedicated to giving you the very best in outdoor adventures in Ohio, with a focus on hiking trails, fishing spots, campgrounds, public hunting area’s, with some parenting tidbits thrown in.
When we started, in 2022 our passion for the outdoors drove us to figure out the best ways to bring this information to you. So we created Go Hunt Ohio. An outdoor YouTube channel and Facebook page. This blossomed into a growing group of outdoorsy people that wanted to share ideas and places around Ohio.
Now to find my place within this growing group, I’ve created a blog. I am not much for being in front of a camera, but I enjoy reading, researching, writing, and most importantly being outside. Here at Lindsey Project we are thrilled to share our passion with you.
We hope you enjoy our sarcasm and outdoor enthusiasm. If you enjoy reading this, join the mailing list and never miss a blog post. Or, follow us on YouTube, join our Facebook page, TikTok page, or our Instagram. We’re always looking for great spots in Ohio! If you have one you think we should check out, go to the contact page and sand me a message. Your favorite spot might be my next review. Interested in learning more about who is writing this article. Check out the about me section.
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ON An adventure
explore the beauty of nature’s best…
In Ohio